Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Bamboo Grove

Bamboo Grove - Bamboo belongs to the family Gramineae and is not nothing but a grass. However, this grass can reach 40 meters in height and 80 centimeters in circumference. Bamboo grows in all countries in Asia, as well as in North and South America. By itself, bamboo is a very valuable material - it is used in construction, furniture and decorative items. The most anxious to include bamboo in Japan. Here is a plant is a symbol of happiness and purity. Branches, bamboo and pine trees adorn the entrance to the house in the New Year's Eve. Bamboo in Japan is almost a living plant: it is believed that in a bamboo stalk, a fragile beauty lives, and open when the stem, then it's released.

Quite unusual flowering of bamboo. Flowers appear on it once in 25-30 years, and some species even once in a hundred years. The local population believes that the flowering of bamboo - it's a bad sign. He is considered a harbinger of famine or disease.